By downloading Bikademy, on your bike rides, youll be able to choose between "Challenges" or "Studies". Which one is for you? ↓
Get a chance to win monthly rewards with "Challenges", and monitor your cycling kilometers and CO2 savings compared to other users. To be fair, you can enter one of four categories: 0-10 km/day, 10-20 km/day, 20-60km/day or 60 +km/day. Why four categories? Because you dont have to be an athlete to ride.
To get rewards with "Studies", you have to visit cultural and natural heritage sites by bike. First, choose your Study, which is a region or a city, and then cycle to the Exams, cultural and natural location or sites in your chosen Study. Do a check-in on the app for each Exam, and after you pass all the Exams of a certain Study, we send you a reward.
It truly is that easy with Bikademy, an innovative and interactive cycling tourism and urban mobility solution.
And you can also check out if there are active Special Studies and Special Challenges, a limited time Study or Challenge for events in your area or for occasions like Earth Day and more.
So, which ones for you? Enjoy your cycling with Bikademy!